Volunteer Form

    We need good people like you to join our FLYING PIG PARADE team. It will be taking place on Saturday, December 30th, and a dozen (or more) volunteers are needed. We sure appreciate you interest! Below is our big plan. After you have become familiar with it, please fill out the form below.

    The parade lines up in Bo Diddley Plaza, (where SE 1 St. meets University Avenue) at 1 p.m. We need many people there to answer questions and to direct groups to their proper line-up places. At the same time we need help selling t-shirts at our sidewalk table. At 2 p.m. the parade will begin marching south on SE 1st Street, Volunteers will make sure each waiting group is led to the “entry point” where they’ll begin the parade. All of the groups are encouraged to march “back to the Bo” for our Post-Parade Party from 2:45 to 3:30. There, our bands play and marchers will intermingle with parade fans. Our festivities will end at 3:45.

    Thanks again for offering to help with Gainesville’s super sonic, soon-to-be-iconic, dancin’ in the street event. We’re gonna have a Good Time!

    We’ll be in touch. If you have any questions, you can also get in touch at flyingpigparade@gmail.com or 305 299 5607.

    Subject: Volunteer form